Why D1FFER ?

At D1FFER, our name reflects our ambition to design services that stand out in terms of innovation and respect for privacy. We are convinced that data security and confidentiality should be at the heart of digital services and we strive to provide an exceptional user experience, combining ease of use and maximum security.

Our commitment to innovation and security is reflected in our use of advanced encryption methods in all our software, such as the development of end-to-end encrypted file transfer solutions.

By choosing D1FFER, you are opting for a company committed to protecting the confidentiality of your data and ensuring its integrity and longevity.

The management team

The management team of D1FFER is composed of Stéphane Herry, CEO, and Thomas Guyard, CTO.

Stéphane Herry brings over 25 years of experience in software publishing, while Thomas Guyard has over 20 years of experience in software development and operation of complex computer systems.

Together, they have developed a company that reflects their values of excellence and respect for privacy, and that stands out for its innovative approach to data security and confidentiality.

Contact us

To discuss your projects, send us an email with your contact details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.